
Gebr. Heinemann implements mobile checkouts with Snabble in further stores

The travel retail specialist Gebr. Heinemann wants to introduce mobile checkouts with Snabbel at further locations. At Vienna Airport, the company had successfully tested the solution, which runs on employees’ standard Android devices, and is now using it there in regular operation.

“We are very satisfied with the pilot. We have gained good and important insights into what we can use the product for and for which use cases it is not well suited,” explains Alexander Messer, Head of Commerce Solutions and Service Management at Gebr. Heinemann, when asked by Retail Optimiser: “We have also gained important technical insights to make the mobile checkout product more stable and better, so that we can now go into the next rollouts.”


The travel-retailer thus adds another component to the checkout process. Until now, customers have been able to pay for their goods at stationary checkouts and at self-checkout terminals operated with POS software from LS Retail. The mobile checkouts are to be used when queues form despite the checkout options.

Snabble wants to expand functions of mobilePOS

The mobile checkout also combines personalised advice with direct checkout, according to Snabble’s press release. “By observing the interactions between staff and customers with this checkout technology, we can gain valuable insights to continuously improve the product and realise its full potential,” says Sebastian Mancke, CEO of the Bonn-based technology provider. The next steps, he says, are the integration of customised coupons for individual in-store cross- and upselling.

MobilePOS is used on a Zebra mobile device based on Android. In addition to card payment directly on the device, the system also includes receipt printers distributed throughout the store and digital receipts via QR scan. In order to take the special features at the airport into account, Snabble integrated the scanning of flight tickets for duty-free identification in the current version for Gebr. Heinemann. Other special functions such as the SAP Omnichannel Promotion Pricing Service (OPPS) and a CRM connection were also integrated.

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Stefan Dudzinski-Lange

Stefan Dudzinski-Lange has worked for over 20 years as a journalist, editor and PR consultant in subjects such as information and communication technology or OTC products. For Zentrum für Foren in der grafischen Datenverarbeitung e.V. (Centre for Forums in Graphic Data Processing) and Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD), he initiates and organises events and networking platforms on topics such as Ambient Assisted Living, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or on data harmonisation. At Fraunhofer IGD, Stefan Dudzinski-Lange worked in technology marketing helping to transfer research results and prototypes into marketable business applications. The graduate economist moderated numerous events such as the Fraunhofer CeBit Forum and led communication seminars.

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