North German retail company Bartels-Langness has joined forces with Shopreme and IT Media Consult AG to develop an intelligent shopping cart that will be introduced in Famila Nordost stores in the coming weeks. The Snap Cart enables the retailer to convert existing shopping carts into smart carts in a few simple steps and with a low investment.
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Bartels-Langness, short Bela, chooses Relex Solutions to increase its availability, reduce inventory and link its ordering and logistics processes. The company, who operates largely across northern Germany, will use the supply chain management solution for all 130 stores of its Famila and Markant banner operations as well as in its three logistics centres. Relex partner Wysupp will provide support for…
Read more >>Bünting is upgrading its Nortmoor central distribution centre with warehouse automation technology from Dematic. A shuttle storage system and autonomous conveyor technology are to increase capacity and productivity of the operation.