
Aldi Süd tests Shop&Go with AiFi without app

Aldi Süd is now also allowing customers at its scanless Shop&Go store in London’s Greenwich district to shop without using the app. To enter the store, which is equipped with technology from AiFi, shoppers can now also scan their payment card at the entrance. Shopping with the app is still possible. “This latest change will make it even quicker and easier for people to use the store,” says Ben Shotter, Regional Managing Director at Aldi UK.

Previously, Aldi Nord had also made shopping without an app possible in its test store with Trigo technology in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The Retail Optimiser reported. In Aldi Süd’s scanless store in London, Vision Recognition from Californian specialist AiFi uses cameras to record who has taken which goods from the shelf or put them back. Unlike the stores equipped with Trigo, there are no sensors on the shelves – as reported by The Retail Optimiser.


Prior to this, shoppers had to register in a Shop&Go app in the Aldi Süd test store and enter the desired payment method. When leaving the store, the amount was debited via the selected payment method and the receipt was created in the app. Customers can now simply hold their payment card up to the entrance barrier and enter. To view the receipt, shoppers need to visit and enter a five-digit transaction number from their banking app.

Winning more customers

The addition of access with payment card is an attempt by the company to attract more customers to cashierless shopping. The fact that an app must be downloaded in order to enter the Shop&Go store was not welcomed by all shoppers. For some consumers, using the app represents an additional hurdle. Concerns about disclosing data when using the app also prevent many shoppers from using it.

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Magdalena Nowak

Magdalena Nowak is a trainee in the editorial team of The Retail Optimiser. She has gained valuable insights into the processes of the industry during previous jobs on the retail floor. Magdalena Nowak is studying journalism at Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz.

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