Carrefour is expanding tests of its micro-store concept called BuyBye in Belgium. For the first time, customers at a Carrefour hypermarket can shop 24/7 using smart vending machines from specialist At its Auderghem site near Brussels, the company wants to measure profitability of the solution.
Lekkerland has opened its first railway station store in Koblenz. The unmanned smart store works with technology from The Rewe subsidiary sees great potential for cashierless stores at railway stations and airports.
Read more >>Rewe Group's subsidiary Lekkerland has opened a first Rewe Ready store at the EnBW fast charging park near the Kamen motorway junction with AiFi technology. For two other Rewe Ready locations, Lekkerland is relying on technology from Latebird and on smart fridges from the Portuguese specialist
Read more >>Lekkerland has deployed its so-called 'Smart Shop' concept in live operation for the first time. In the newly opened Rewe Ready container store at the EnBW loading park in Lichtenau, near Chemnitz in the German federal state of Saxony, the Rewe Group company implemented smart fridges from Portuguese specialist
Read more >>Carrefour has opened its first autonomous vending machine store at the headquarters of its Belgian unit in Zaventem. The 18 square metre shop near Brussels, called Carrefour BuyBye, is equipped with Smart Fridges.
Read more >>Wholesaler Lekkerland, which is part of Rewe Group, is adding smart fridges from Portuguese specialist to its portfolio of smart store solutions …