Rewe Group's Billa has equipped all of its approximately 160 stores in Bulgaria with electronic shelf labels (ESLs) from VusionGroup. In Bulgaria, Billa has installed the ESLs on rails from HL Display with the help of Display Bulgaria.
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Equipped with a new version of Trigo's technology, the Rewe Pick&Go store in Düsseldorf allows customers to shop scanless without registering. However, the store's second major innovation, the automatic weighing of fruit and vegetables as they are picked, was out of action this week.
Read more >>The atmosphere was excellent last night at Dr Thompson’s Seifenfabrik in Düsseldorf: Top IT managers from Edeka Group, Tegut, Rewe Group, Schwarz Group, Douglas, Benetton and many more had every reason to celebrate with their technology providers. Yesterday, EHI Retail Institute honoured the winners of the Retail Technology Awards Reta for the 17th time as part of Eurocis 2024. The…
Read more >>At the Rewe Center in Cologne-Bickendorf of independent merchants Daniel and Boris Dugandzic, Rewe Digital has installed special tablet computers on around half of all 220 shopping trolleys to guide customers through the store. However, the devices are currently not used for self-scanning, for which customers still have to use the Zebra devices or their own smartphone.
Read more >>While Lidl has already implemented the new self-checkouts throughout Romania, the major roll-out in Germany, as well as in other countries such as Spain and Italy, will apparently start in Lidl's next financial year, which begins in March and ends in February 2025.
Read more >>Lekkerland has deployed its so-called 'Smart Shop' concept in live operation for the first time. In the newly opened Rewe Ready container store at the EnBW loading park in Lichtenau, near Chemnitz in the German federal state of Saxony, the Rewe Group company implemented smart fridges from Portuguese specialist
Read more >>Rewe Group is installing automation technology from Cimcorp in its regional distribution centre in Oranienburg. The system from Finnish specialist picks fruit and vegetables-crates. In this way, the retailer aims to efficiently deliver fresh produce to its stores and combat shortage of staff.
Read more >>Food waste is a major problem. In Germany alone, 11 million tonnes of food ended up being thrown away in 2020, according to the National Statistics Office. Of this, 7 per cent (0.8 million tonnes) came from the retail sector. To combat food waste, 14 major German wholesale and grocery retailers signed an agreement with the Federal Ministry of Food…
Read more >>Carrefour has opened its first autonomous vending machine store at the headquarters of its Belgian unit in Zaventem. The 18 square metre shop near Brussels, called Carrefour BuyBye, is equipped with Smart Fridges.
Read more >>Rewe Markt, the supermarket division of Rewe Group in Germany, has announced that it will be equipping three more stores with Pick&Go technology in the coming months: in Düsseldorf and Hamburg. Rewe already operates such stores with Trigo technology in Berlin, Cologne and Munich. One of the stores to be added in the spring will be the largest scanless store…