Despite the growing number of competitors in the market for POS hardware, the largest global vendors HP, NCR, Toshiba and also Diebold Nixdorf were able to defend their market shares steady in 2022, with NCR even growing by two percentage points.
Read more >>CAS AG and Solace have formed a partnership to jointly support retail companies with their omnichannel challenges. Through the cooperation, the Hamburg-based consultancy and the Canadian event mesh platform help companies to realise the real-time processing of product, inventory, customer, and receipt data more efficiently. This should allow customers to shop seamlessly across all sales channels. Solace’s event mesh platform…
Read more >>Fressnapf Group is implementing Relex Solutions to optimise on-shelf availability across its 1,900 Fressnapf and Maxi Zoo store network as well as its eleven distribution centres in 13 European countries to gain comprehensive end-to-end visibility over its supply chain.
Read more >>Relex Solutions and supply chain visibility platform provider Fourkites have formed a partnership. Together, the solution providers will enable their customers to capture potential supply chain disruptions in real time.