Currently, retailers offer their customers the opportunity to scan items while shopping in over 46,000 stores worldwide. By 2027, this number will more than triple, according to the latest study of British market research company Retail Banking Research (RBR).
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Retailers prefer to use GK Software for new POS software installations globally. If restaurants, hotels and petrol stations are also taken into account, NCR is at the top of the list of new software installations globally. In the field of POS hardware, HP has worked its way to the top of worldwide installations, according to new study from RBR. The…
Read more >>A.S. Watson Group-owned drugstore operator Kruidvat is equipping its stores in the Netherlands and Belgium with NCR self-checkout systems.
Read more >>Traditional manned checkout lanes are gone at Walmart’s Supercenter in Fayetteville, Arkansas. But not the staff. Shoppers who prefer to get their shopping scanned and bagged, get the service. But at NCR’s self-checkout tills.
Read more >>Again, Amazon is putting the world of in-store technology in a state of awe. This time with Dash Cart, a shopping trolley that automatically logs products placed inside. It will have its first appearance it the soon-to-be opened first 3,000-square-metre Amazon supermarket in Woodland Hills. It is likely that Amazon will also equip its Wholefood Stores with the new checkout…