
Falke plans omnichannel personalisation with GK Air

Falke has expanded the use of the personalisation solution from GK Air to all countries in which the clothing specialist is active. In future, the omnichannel-capable GK Air Personalization solution will not only provide individualised product recommendations in the 26 online shops and the associated newsletters, but also in the stores. Supported by AI-based analysis of product and content interaction at all digital touchpoints, the fashion company’s customers will receive personalised content on Falke and Burlington brand products in real time, at the right time and in the right place. By using GK’s solution, the fashion specialist is achieving higher click rates for its newsletters and a positive trend in sales and shopping basket value in its online shops. In future, the fashion company’s customers should also be able to be approached with personalised content in physical stores and flagship stores.

Falke’s customers receive personalised content in the online shop from over 20 different recommendation types flexibly via the GK solution in real time – based on their current or historical purchasing behaviour. Customer-specific recommendations can relate either to the product searched for in the online shop, the category, historical usage behaviour, the search term or generally to top sellers. The recommendation types differ in the various shop areas such as homepage, product detail page, shopping basket layer or wish list.


Falke uses the AI-based solution from GK to focus on the optimisation of recommendation areas in the personalised sections of the online shop and newsletter, as well as on new use cases on a regular basis. One example is the Profiler, an add-on that helps the fashion company to identify shopping basket drop-outs and approach those users with personalised emails.

Real-time personalisation from the first click

GK Air analyses search and purchasing behaviour of shop visitors from the very first click. If a visitor is using the Falke or Burlington online shop for the first time and the AI solution has not yet been able to process any data on click and purchase behaviour, product recommendations for current bestsellers are displayed. As soon as a visitor clicks on a product, GK Air records this information and immediately displays recommendations that match the current click.

“The AI solution offers a variety of recommendation logics, which we check for their effectiveness in integrated testing and thus achieve an optimal customer response. GK Air Personalization is the perfect tool for us to implement 360 degree personalisation in our customer approach,” explains Alina Erpenbach, Team Lead CRM Communication at Falke.

Relevance in real time until the customer email is opened

The recommendation engine also works in real time in the newsletter. To do this, the AI-based solution predicts which content is most suitable for the respective newsletter subscriber and only generates this content after the email has been opened. Thus, the personalisation solution ensures that customer actions that took place in the app or online shop after the newsletter was sent are also included in the forecast.

To make work easier for Falke employees, GK has implemented a reference newsletter for the Falke and Burlington brands to enable several English-language newsletters to be configured simultaneously. The reference newsletter significantly reduced the manual workload for employees when creating country versions.

AI-based industry solution proves to be popular

Numerous other well-known companies also rely on GK Air to personalise their customers’ shopping experience. While Christ Watches & Jewellery Switzerland focuses on recommendations based on image similarities and uses this profitably with the GK solution, Würth Germany increases its sales through product bundles in the online shop, which are created individually for each customer in real time using the GK solution. Douglas and C&A optimise the user experience in their online shop, app and newsletter with personalised content recommendations.

For WMF, the use of GK Air is focussed on higher opening and click rates for their automated campaign newsletters. The Body Shop Switzerland can increase re-orders through personalised recommendations, which are automatically initiated at ideal intervals via GK’s solution.

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Annette Böhm

Annette Böhm has been specialising in the development and the management of marketing campaigns targeting retailers and consumer goods companies for more than 20 years. The focus of her expertise is on lead generation campaigns and client nurturing. She is an expert in social media and e-mail-marketing and has a high level of experience with the most relevant CRM and marketing automation tools.

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