Aldi Nord


Aldi Nord and Süd distribute leaflets via WhatsApp

Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd are using WhatsApp for digital customer communication. Both discounters send out their leaflets every Sunday via the short message service. Unlike Rewe, they do not yet plan to completely abandon printed flyers.


Tegut optimises prices and stocks from one cast with Relex and Competera

Tegut will be one of the first retailers in Europe to optimise its prices, stocks, floor space and shelf placement from a unified sales forecast. To achieve this, the Fulda-based grocery store chain, which is part of Migros Zurich, will implement Relex's AI-based solution together with Competera's price optimisation tool. For SAP, the decision is a bitter blow: for more…


Aldi Nord to evaluate Trigo for stock control

This week, Aldi Nord entered a partnership with Trigo to jointly develop its Vision Recognition-based store technology. The aim is to combine the technology used in Aldi Nord's first scanning-free store in Utrecht with other software to automate store processes such as the detection of out-of-stocks. The partnership was preceded by an investment by Aldi Nord in Trigo, the amount…


Retailers continue to rely on self-checkouts

The market for self-checkout systems is growing by 11 percent worldwide, according to market research company RBR. Biggest growth driver is the Asia-Pacific region. NCR remains the undisputed market leader, but Chinese vendors are catching up.


Aldi Nord pilots Tomra innovations

Aldi Nord is testing two innovative reverse vending systems from Norwegian specialist Tomra. Its system R1 allows customers to put up to 100 PET bottles or cans into the device at once. In the checkout-free Shop & Go store in Utrecht, the discounter is testing direct transfer of the deposit amount into the Aldi app.


Lidl modernises POS software with GK

It is the largest POS software project in Europe to date: Lidl has once again chosen GK and will roll-out the Cloud4Retail platform of the Schöneck specialists in all 30 countries over the next few years. The largest banner operation of the European retail sector is thus enabling to operate the checkouts in the cloud and is simplifying the development…


Combating retail food waste with system

Every year, almost 500,000 tonnes of food waste are caused in the retail sector in Germany alone, according to the UN Food Waste Index Report from last year. This is not only bad for the industry's image – the commercial damage caused by food being written off without sale is also immense. The problem has been recognised in retail companies,…


Żabka speeds up expansion of autonomous stores with AiFi

Polish convenience store leader Żabka is rapidly pushing ahead with the expansion of cashierless stores. While large retail chains such as Aldi Nord and Süd, Carrefour, Edeka's Netto, Tesco and Rewe are testing checkout-free stores at individual locations in Europe, Żabka Group has already opened fifty stores of its AI-based banner line Żabka Nono in Poland.


Aldi Nord opens checkout-free store in Utrecht with Trigo

Aldi Nord has opened its Trigo technology-equipped store in Utrecht, the Netherlands, to everyone. After Tesco, Rewe and Edeka's Netto, the discount store operator is the fourth European retail group to test shopping without scanning with the technology of the Israeli start-up in real-life use. Unlike Rewe and Netto, but like Tesco in London, Aldi Nord in Utrecht is not…


Aldi Nord in Denmark manages workforce with Tamigo

Aldi Nord in Denmark is digitalising staff scheduling in its stores with workforce management software from Tamigo. Instead of pen and paper, managers and employees use an app to make the process more efficient and transparent.

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